Plannera Sell Out
Stock and sales visibility on the Channel
Sales and inventory data in the sales channel are frequently available in the company but are not used in demand planning. We combine data from distributors and retailers to provide a more complete picture* of past and future supply chain behavior.
Sell-out statistical forecast
In addition to the sell-in plan, our statistical engine can predict the independent sell-out plan, providing a clear picture of how the product will perform in the market.
Calculation of ideal sell-in
Based on the inventory targets established for each direct customer, we can calculate the optimal sell-in that will meet both the agreed-upon inventory policy and end-user demand.
*all dashboards require the active Dashboard module
There are numerous variables and unforeseen issues in structuring and planning. Doing this alone may result in a stumbling block. Our experts give you the attention you require and show you where you should not fall down.
Visits us
Rio de Janeiro
Av. Rio Branco, 181 – Room 3103, Centro, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, CEP 20040-007