
The technologhy is a huge ally to any planner. It allow us to see farther, work faster and collaborate more easily.

Our cloud planning plataforma uses cutting-edge technology such as in memory processing and machine learning to leverage the analytical capacity of your team, with fast and low-cost deployments.

Then, our team of experts ensures the support and evolution of the tools according to your needs.

Demand Planing

The perfect balance between analytical power and user-friendliness.

Statistical forecasting

Statistical forecasting is important in demand planning because it automates the search for patterns in the past that can help us predict the future. Our statistical engine runs almost by itself, freeing up the planning team's time for more value-added tasks.


We know that the priority of Sales and Marketing is to increase sales, not necessarily to plan them. We solve the eternal conflict between planning and sales with a simple and user-friendly interface, allowing you to collect valuable information about demand with a few hours of work.

Error measurement

To improve anything, we first have to measure it. We keep all the plans made in each round, so you can compare them with the sales made and quickly find out where the process is not going well and act to improve.


Customized management views to support your decision making.

Management View

Planning usually means dealing with a lot of data and information. Sometimes we need to take a few steps back to see the big picture. Easy-to-read graphical dashboards help you understand the big picture.

Quick analysis

In a leadership meeting, speed of analysis is essential. There is nothing more irritating than having to wait several minutes to draw a simple conclusion in the heat of decision making. Our partnership with Tableau guarantees state-of-the-art technology and high performance in analysis.


Every business has its own particular way of looking at its numbers. We understand and embrace this, making our dashboards highly flexible. Thus, we are able to adapt the management views so that you can continue analyzing your business in your own way.

Sell Out

Visibility of the actual demand and balancing of the stock in the sales channel.

Visibility of the actual demand

Today, there are several ways to have visibility into the inventories and sales of distributors or retailers, that we refer to as sell out. Analyzing these numbers brings us closer to the real consumer demand, and helps us understand it.

Stock in the sales channels

As much as we have a great service level for our direct customers, we always run the risk of having shortages in the shelves due to unbalanced stock in the sales channels. Controlling this stock guarantees not only fewer out-of-stocks, but also increased sales.

Better Sell In Forecast

The sell in, that is, the sale from the industry to its sales channels, should in practice be only a consequence of the sell out. After all, our real demand always comes from the consumer, the rest is just replenishment. So, improving the sell out planning also improves the sell in planning!


Fine Sequencing and Master Production Scheduling

Master Production Scheduling (MPS)

Define what, how much, and when to produce and buy materials. Create and compare scenarios quickly, considering the actual production capacity.


Find the best manufacturing sequence to increase productivity and meet demand.

Visibility of the production process

Anticipate bottlenecks, material shortages, unbalanced lines, stock-outs, and act proactively to solve possible gaps that are preventing your operation from reaching maximum productivity and efficiency.

There are numerous variables and unforeseen issues in structuring and planning. Doing this alone may result in a stumbling block. Our experts give you the attention you require and show you where you should not fall down.

Nossas soluções



Data Science